ICT for Agricultural Extension in Ethiopia

The Ethiopia NLA hosted an ‘ICT marketplace’ event in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Digital Green in April 2019 with the following objectives:

  1. To create a multi-stakeholders platform (IP) among ICT organisations
  2. Create awareness around current and potential ICTs for agricultural extension services in Ethiopia, including who is using and who is providing the ICT services.
  3. Facilitate linkages between ICT providers, users, policy makers and investors
  4. Identify challenges and opportunities for use of ICT for agricultural extension services in Ethiopia and how these can be addressed
  5. Get inputs for preparation of implementation guideline for the ICT pillar of the National Extension Strategy 
  6. To decide on the future  direction in mainstreaming ICT| in Ethiopia’s Agricultural Advisory Service Delivery.

The workshop report can be accessed here

 If you would like further details, please visit the event website